
NAMA is committed to the development of export markets for member products. NAMA is an active participant in the USDA Emerging Markets Program, which supports member efforts to improve foreign market access primarily for international food assistance. Member companies actively participate in trade missions, technical assistance trainings, market assessments, and project and program evaluations in concert with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).
U.S. Exports of Milled Products
Milled products are diverse and include milled corn, wheat, oats, rye and other grains, all for human consumption. Official product trade descriptions for milled products are found in the U.S. Census Bureau’s (USCB) Foreign Trade Statistics.
Nearly all members’ products are classified for the purpose of recording trade in Chapter 11 of the Harmonized System (HS) which is used by the USCB to classify all internationally traded products. Regarding U.S. milled product exports and imports, annual and monthly data are available through USDA’s Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS).
Milled product exports, primarily wheat flour and corn flour, totaled over $650 million in 2023. Primary destinations for exports are Mexico and Canada. Regarding exports according to product category, wheat flour is the top product in 2023, with exported value of $137 million, followed by corn soya milk blend with $119 million. When other corn products are considered, however, including corn meal and processed corn products for the food processing and baking industries, the corn product category has the largest exports at $314 million.
Additional Resources
Ag Value Chain Letter Following USTR Announcement of Consultations
Coalition Letter Calling on North American Leaders to Use USMCA to Resolve Disputes
NAMA Comments to USTR on United States-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP) – September 2022
January – June 2021 vs 2020, Top 10 U.S. Milled Products and Markets
Top 10 Categories by Value for 2020 U.S. Exports of all Milled Products (xlsx Data)
Top Export Markets • 2020 (xlsx Data)
Exports by Country and Product 2019 (xlsx Data)
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