

NAMA supports free and fair international trade policy

NAMA supports international trade agreements that provide market access for U.S. milled products. We also support U.S. efforts to abolish or otherwise limit subsidies by U.S. competitors.

Foreign regulatory and market-distorting trade policies limit member opportunities to export flour and other milled products. This is particularly troublesome when these actions violate a country’s trade commitments. That is why NAMA actively works with the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and USDA to minimize these policy costs and promote rules-based free trade. Areas of NAMA’s policy work include:

  • Providing input on trade negotiations to improve market access;
  • Monitoring existing trade agreements to ensure rules are implemented properly;
  • Promoting rules on human and environmental health that are scientifically sound, based on appropriate risk assessments, and managed in a way that avoids distorting trade;
  • Supporting the efficient use of milled products in U.S. international food assistance programs.

The USDA Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program plays an important role in helping NAMA with policy interventions to open foreign markets and promote our products abroad and has a proven track record of success in more than 30 overseas markets.

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Exports by Country and Product 2019

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Humanitarian Assistance

NAMA is committed to supporting international assistance programs.