About NAMA
The North American Millers’ Association represents millers of wheat, corn, oats, and rye in the U.S. and Canada. Our members take raw grain and transform it into flour and other products that are used to make such favorite foods as bread, cereals, pasta, cookies, cakes, and snack foods. We’re proud to be the indispensable link between raw grain and healthy and delicious products that have sustained and enriched people’s lives for centuries.
NAMA’s member companies operate 150+ mills across 30+ states, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Utilizing the technical expertise of our members and staff, we represent the milling industry before the White House, federal agencies, and Congress.
2024-2027 Strategic Plan
In October 2023, the NAMA Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan to guide the association for the next three years.
The plan is built on three foundational pillars:

Leverage our collective voice to impact regulations and policies that are important to our members.

Connect the technical expertise of our members and staff with strategic partners to advance research, advocacy, and engagement.

Enhance our efforts to connect members to the essential and valuable benefits of being an engaged member of NAMA.
Click here to read the full strategic plan.
Our History
The milling industry in the U.S. has a long history of collaborating on issues for the advancement of the sector and to benefit the consumers it serves.